The Company

Trebloon Publications was founded by me, Richard M. Brodsky in 2001
in honor of my youngest daughter Stacie. Trebloon is short for trees and balloons and is, as per Stacie's request, pronounced with a French accent. So welcome to the world of Trebloon. Come fly with Stacie, Peri and Hillary (my three daughters) and my wife Jodi as we christen our first book, Jodi,The Greatest Love Story Ever Told. The decision to self publish Jodi, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told was based on time. Time would be against me if I took the more traveled road of finding an agent and then a publisher. Time is ticking away as AIDS sufferers continue to die. Trebloon may not have the cure for AIDS... but we do offer an avenue of hope...

. . .You won't find a patent for this miracle cure, but you will discover how to appreciate everything life has to offer, even if you are HIV-positive. Jodi, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, written by Richard M. Brodsky is the true story of why Richard would not change places with anyone in the world even though he is HIV-positive.

Richard has run many marathons, for he is healthier and faster than 99% of all Americans. How does a 3 hour 23 minute marathon sound at age 46? So he's HIV positive, a problem to society but not to him, his wife and three teenage daughters. Sure, it wasn't easy having to tell Jodi, his wife that he was both bisexual and HIV positive. Yet Jodi never doubted her love and commitment to Richard and they are just as happy today, probably even happier than the day they wed. But that's another story to be told in Jodi, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.

Richard's message is simple: eat right, exercise, don't drink, don't do drugs and most important, take the AIDS medication. Following this recipe is the course of survival, and not just surviving, but living a healthy, productive life. Taking away the medicine or not providing the medicine is a death sentence. And that is exactly what has happened around the globe, particularly in poorer nations. Wake up, America! Government, business and people must make the commitment to place lives over money. 25,000,000 people have died from AIDS and the number is growing. But it can be reduced if people voice their concern, people like you and me. We must speak out and tell our representatives in government how we want our tax dollars spent. And if I, Richard, have to write the book, Jodi, The
Greatest Love Story Ever Told,
and announce that Senators Allard, Nickles, Smith and Voinovich have the worst voting records for AIDS legislation, then may my pen never set until these senators change their ways or resign in shame. We owe it to the 25,000,000 who have been taken from our planet. They cannot speak but somehow their voices will be heard forever.

History will not be kind to the 21st century unless we change our values. Richard poses the question: What will the people of the 22nd century think of our century? His answer is: They will think we were the darkest age of humanity. The Jewish people did an incredible job convincing mankind that another Holocaust must never happen. The world agreed, only this time they ignored AIDS sufferers.

Accompany Richard and his family on their magical, poetic journey and learn why he would not change places with anyone in the world. Rejoice in his life, cry with him through his challenging times, but in the end, triumph with Richard and Jodi and their three teenage daughters. And if Jodi has to write the epilogue to tell you in her own words how truly blessed they are, then celebrate a feel-good story about real people facing real problems. As Jodi says, "Find passion in this lifetime because a lifetime without passion is not worth living."

Author Richard M. Brodsky

©2002 Trebloon Publications