Update 2006

HIVers & cancer survivors… we’re running marathons I’m Richard Brodsky, the HIV-positive guy with brain cancer; and I’ll be running a marathon a month for 2006, as long as my legs, money and health hold out. Why am I running a marathon every month? I’ve been blessed that if I had to become HIV-positive, at least it happened in America where the AIDS medicine and medical care is accessible. It is my hope that society takes note of the absolute necessity that all AIDS sufferers are entitled to the lifesaving AIDS medicine and follow-up medical care. I’ve been further blessed by having a wife, Jodi, who has been so incredibly, loving and supportive that I had to write a book dedicated to her for keeping our family, loving and whole. Without Jodi, I would never have been able to continue being upbeat, and to share in the joyous times of family life, and even those times that were not so joyous.

Being HIV-positive had NOT taken away my energy as I ran my fastest marathon after I was diagnosed HIV-positive, 03:23 at age 46. What eventually slowed me down was a broken shoulder, age and brain cancer ― probably in that order. Harvard and NYC doctors have confirmed that my cancer had nothing to do with my HIV. In fact, odd as this may seem, my T-cells now are 1,100, higher than they’ve ever been, so obviously running a marathon once a month agrees with my body. Sure the marathons are painful, there are no easy steps in the 65,000 mile +/- strides in a marathon, but at least I’m alive to feel the pain. I say to anyone who gives up on life because they are diagnosed with HIV or cancer, ‘yes, you’re right, your life is over.’ But dare to dream or visualize that YOU WILL be climbing that mountain or running that race; then surely your chance for not just surviving but thriving, will be a major component in your recovery.

I can no longer sit idle knowing that 12 people will die from AIDS in the two minutes it will take you to read this page. However, I’d like to think I can give people hope that just because they are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, they can still live a rewarding, productive life. My advice: love and cherish your partner and family a lot more, pay a little more attention to a rainbow, because Someone up there has given you the chance to see that rainbow. AND remember, the 12 people who recently died from AIDS in the past two minutes will never see another rainbow.

So many people, including relatives and friends have questioned me as to why I have chosen to give up my career as an Architect to undertake such an uphill fight to help others? To them I say, "Sometimes in life there are no choices."

2006 Marathon schedule and completed times with photos

(Click on the highlighted links for marathon pictures)

January 29th Miami, Florida   04:51:23

February 26th Tampa Bay, Florida   05:07:53
Marathon photos courtesy of MARATHONFOTO

March 26th Cape May, New Jersey   04:41:43
Marathon photos courtesy of ISLAND PHOTO

April 30th New Jersey Marathon 04:36:44
Marathon photos courtesy of MARATHONFOTO

May 28th Atlantic Beach, New York   04:53:00

June 25th Atlantic Beach, New York   05:43:00
(torrential rain / flooding)

July 23rd Atlantic Beach, New York   04:58:00

August 13th Atlantic Beach, New York
(incomplete, I broke my collarbone)

September no marathon

October no marathon

November 5th New York City Marathon   5:06:51

December 1st Kisumu, Kenya World AIDS Marathon

Author Richard M. Brodsky


©2002 Trebloon Publications
